Comment 40691

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted May 14, 2010 at 21:23:10

Mahesh is facing in Hamilton exactly the same thing all the "other" candidates in Toronto are facing. The media focuses and promotes 4 or 5 candidates on account of their previous political experience, or other connections. Everyone else, no matter how qualified or well intentioned, is shut out of debates, is shut out of the news, is just plain ignored.

This is an issue with politics not only in Hamilton, but everywhere. The media chooses politicians who are taken "seriously" by giving them airtime. It's the same way Wal-Mart convinces you what brand of soap you buy by deciding what gets shelf space in their store. So the people of Hamilton vote for Eisenberger or DiIanni, why? Because they're the only two people the newspapers and television talk about.

Always question, always think, never accept what others say blindly.

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