Comment 41585

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted June 04, 2010 at 21:56:15

Mr Elliot: Yes it is wrong to call someone a racist, unless one has substantiated proof but I wonder if Mahesh picked up a feeling of being minimalized from your staff.

I mean Mr Dreshel is pretty opinionated and well not everyone in the community agrees with his so called rants. Actually as an individual, I find him to very obtuse to say the least.

The reason that people are let down by MSM, is because they have cause to, just take the recent events of the boat that was brutally attacked and people died. In MSM, there is only one side it would seem. The ends justifies the means. What is the message you are sending out, is it fair, balanced. If there is only one side, then disinformation comes out.

You may not have control over that but please remember that people are not stupid and can see through things.

Comment edited by grassroots are the way forward on 2010-06-04 20:59:11

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