Comment 42897

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted July 07, 2010 at 13:16:12

As much as I do like the history behind Ivor Wynne, I have to politely disagree that it is in a good location. First off, it is surrounding by low to mid income residential development. Now why many fans treasure the stadium, just as many do not. If anything the fact IVS has not been a concert venue for some time due to noise complaints should be evidence of that. The other issue is this development cannot be easily removed to produce tangible economic gain for the city or the community, and indeed would bankrupt the city to attempt due to a lack of private interests to shoulder some of the burden.

The accessibility of the stadium is also quite poor. It is not near any rail lines (proposed or existing), it lacks sufficient parking room, and even the pedestrian access is marred somewhat by the nearby state of decay many it's surroundings display. She is hidden away from major roadways, and thus it comes as no surprise she can't bring in naming rights to somewhat offset her maintenance costs.

Yes I completely agree there is a lot of charm and a lot of history to Ivor Wynne, and it holds a special place in our hearts and memories. However, she is over 70 years old, the cost of upgrading her is nearly the cost of building from scratch and even then, I have doubts that the team that also has a rich history, over 140 years would still be able to sustain itself as IVS. It's time to put the old girl (and the nearby Scott Park) out of their misery and turn the area into a memorial park/rec center with some light commercial areas and parking.

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