Comment 44860

By jason (registered) | Posted August 04, 2010 at 22:58:43

fried onions. LOL. so true. CHML is a joke.
I'm not sure who I'll vote for mayor yet, but I'm leaning towards Fred now due to his leadership and willingness to not be bullied by a bunch of idiots on this issue. Larry has definitely lost any hope of gaining my vote by being too scared and indecisive to simply answer a simple question - "where would you like to see the stadium?" What kind of person is this? He can't even answer a simple question like that and yet expects us to trust him with overseeing our entire city??? Sorry Larry, but you've made a huge miscalculation by trying to mess around with this stadium issue and make it a political issue to your benefit.
Fred is the only one with any stones and will likely be getting my vote due to his strong stance in favour of Hamilton. While others look to play games with our future for their own personal or political gain, Fred is standing strong for my city.
Now that's leadership. It's going to come down to Mahesh and Fred IMO. I'll probably go for Fred just to avoid splitting any votes, but Mahesh has a world class campaign and a ton of ideas that should be mandatory for anyone running for mayor.

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