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By hamilton pride (anonymous) | Posted August 17, 2010 at 08:23:22
Facts, Facts, Facts
Thats all I see people trying to convince of here! Only one problem, they are all looking at facts through rose coloured glass's. Looking at the ones they want to believe instead of the real ones.
1) Bob young said from the beginning Build where you want, as long as it is a sustainable location!
2) The Tigercats are paying thier own bills, we are paying the cities. The city is spending money (our money) hand over fist in study after study after study about the west harbour, the Tigercats are not about to do the same they waited for the city choises and then did there self paid for studies on those spots! The smart businessman way!
3) When Bob Young stated many months ago that the west harbour was not a sustainable site mayor Fred went on live on the Bill Kelly show that morning and said it didnt matter what Bob Young said it was full steam ahead, reafirming exactly what this is all about Mayor Freds legasy to develope the waterfront at any cost!
4) Studies, what a joke that was, ask the city to see the studies done on all sites. You will see tons done on the west harbour and next to nothing on any other site. Even the east mountain was studied very little, just enough to show it would cost more and therefore make the west harbour look even better!
5) Roads and cost, the city says west harbour will be cheaper, they dont say west harbour stadium will be cheaper today but we will have to build roads and infastructure eventually to support the stadium. No they dont want you to know that now, it will be a surprise down the road for us after mayor Fred has pushed through his private agenda!
6) The stadim is for the Pan Am games? Yes the upper level of goverments are going to spend millions for 3 weeks of games, wake up people! The stadium came to Hamilton for the Pan Am games because it was known that Hamilton has the oldest stadium arround and was badly in need of a new one and this was the only way it would ever happen. Yes Pam Am for three weeks then new Tigercat home!
7) Bad team reason for lack of profit! If any of you really followed the cats you would know that the incredibly bad team Bob Young bought has been changed and changed and changed looking for thier new identity and anyone that thinks that is going to happen in one or two years does not follow many sports because that doesnt happen anywhere! Actually the timing of all this in terible because the team is actually coming together!
8) Anyone who thinks we will ever get a NHL team is crasy because when you cannot even keep and support a 141 year old Hamilton tradition no smart business man is going to invest a billion to bring an NHL team that will require even more upkeep and suport!
9) Down talking the Foxcrofts, Braileys ect., when we needed suport from them for things they were the smartest and best businessmen arround now because they are using thier business savy but in support of what Bob Young is saying, they know nothing and are just spouting thier mouths off, excellant lets chase some more of our true city leaders out of town!
10) Our leader the mayor cant lead has been proven well before this even started, our counsilors are self serving and a lot of our residents are easily manipulated into believing what ever we are told! It is time to stand up and demand to see the facts! Why have we not seen any of these studies? Why have we not been asked by our counsilors what we think, why have we not been given enough to make our own descisions? Its all painfully obvious, wake up Hamilton!
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