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By brian (registered) | Posted August 17, 2010 at 19:08:01
Bob young has nobody but himself to blame for the record of the team since he has owned them and that includes the losses. There appears to be a change lately but that was after 5 years of a absolutely disgraceful team.
hamilton pride
7) Bad team reason for lack of profit! -- Nobody is making any profit in the cfl except one team..and profitable teams the last 20-30 yrs in the cfl are few and far between
8) Anyone who thinks we will ever get a NHL team is crazy because when you cannot even keep and support a 141 year old Hamilton tradition no smart business man is going to invest a billion to bring an NHL team that will require even more upkeep and suport! mean like jim basillie last year...and it's odd you mention that because copps is 6 blocks away from this proposed stadium and he didn't see a problem with it. I also got news for you supporting the ticats and the nhl aren't exactly the same thing. Even the bulldogs has nothing to do with it...the toronto ahl team averages less than hamilton and it really doesn't matter.
9) Down talking the Foxcrofts......Yes we should go after some dimwit who thinks you should tear up a park and put a stadium in it. Not only that im sure the people coming over the skyway bridge will enjoy that lovely view.
1) Bob young said from the beginning Build where you want, as long as it is a sustainable location!
....once again only 1 cfl team is making a profit. That includes the ones operating the stadium and getting concert/event revenue. This is the way its been for years..they aren't making money that wont be different in hamilton. Drawing concerts/events from copps will just take money from one spot to another as well. He wants to blame the city/fans for he loses (the exagerated ones as in $30.million .where he actually is including money that he invested as in scoreboard etc...he loves to play with numbers...such as the 79 million he was going to put into a stadium at east mountain...remember hes website...did we forget. That idea that could have cost us 80-100 million more...yes sustainable for him.
4) Studies, what a joke that was, ask the city to see the studies done on all sites
You mean bob youngs?...i agree with the toronto mayor the idea of stadiums on highways is a outdated 70's american idea.
Bottom line we almost came close to offering a deal to someone that would have cost 80-100 million dollars more. Yes he backed out because he knew the city wasn't going go with that.
A-The city doesn't have that 80-100 million dollars B-Taxes would have to go up if that was accepted maybe 5% C-There is no absolute guarantee that site would have worked and maybe 100 million would have been gone D-There is no guarantee he would keep this team here no matter what location was made, he has made the threat to move the team..the city hasn't and under the gun like that i wouldnt spend millions more either. E-This man has more money than everyone at the old dofasco/stelco combined, he can complain about losing money all he wants but trying losing your home, your job and going bankrupt. There is tens of thousands of children in this city who can't even afford to buy one ticket. There has been thousands of people that have supported that team despite having the worst teams in ticat history, he should thank those people for even showing up. F-If he decides to move the team elsewhere...he wont make a profit either..its the nature of the cfl..its a fact..most years you just hope to break even. That has been a common known fact for 30 years. G-Except for Ottawa there hasn't been any real interest in having a CFL team because of the lack of a stadium and the plain fact the 8 existing teams are barely surviving. Even if someone decided they wanted to have a team, they would have to get city approval. They would have to come up with 100-150 million city money because there is a good chance the province/feds wont pay for it. The amount of time it would take could be many, many years. H-I think the pan-am people will approve the harbor location..because no other city would have a major tenant either with a 15,000 seat stadium.but if they do say no they will probably give hamilton a chance to pick a different long as that location isnt costing tens of millions more than i don't have a problem with it..if it does i say forget the pan-am games because it amounts to extortion after a democratic vote was made 5 times!!.
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