Comment 46844

By realfreeenterpriser (registered) | Posted August 31, 2010 at 11:16:01

"So it's OK for the Mercanti family and Bob Young to back a location that meets their business needs, but it's not ok for another active member of the community (with business interests) to give his assesment and ask that the City stick to a long term plan?"

The big difference is that Mark Chamberlain's "interests" or "needs" are entirely in keeping with the City's stated interest in, or need to, provide high-end, high-tech employment in an urban environment. What he's doing COMPLIMENTS the direction of an emerging post-industrial city. AND he's consistently, eloquently and intelligently made that position without insulting people.

The needs of the likes of Pyjama Mercanti, Bob Young and the inveterate windbag Ron Foxcroft were NEVER about the city and were ONLY about themselves. That would be fine if they weren't expecting taxpayers to foot the bill.

Moreover, Foxcroft and Mercanti resorted to high-pitched, outright falsehoods to somehow justify their own selfishness and seeming inability to progress into this century.

Has everyone forgot Mercanti ranting about WH supporters all being unemployed (as if working for your Daddy is a real job) and Foxcroft, the Hamilton "booster" who lives in Burlington, falsely claiming on radio that access to the West Harbour was "one lane in and one lane out"? Where is he now when the Longwood site has significantly fewer lanes in and out than West Harbour?

When the City's interests and business' interests coincide, municipal funding is an investment. When they don't, the greater good must prevail.

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