Comment 49144

By MHooper (registered) | Posted October 10, 2010 at 10:08:04

To Eugene - I can appreciate the questions you raise, but I'm offended by your tactics to get answers. I've been asked and answered to many times to count, but how influential can we be if we are not engaging in anything other than these community events? I suppose we should be flattered that you think we wield some heavy political axe, but for the last time, you're barking up the wrong tree.
About this very concern though, I am shocked you haven't looked into the Santucci/Tetley question a little more. Allow me to enlighten you on some facts:
1. Gary Santucci - Vice Chair - Lansdale Neighborhood Association
2. Gary Santucci - Owner, Pearl Company (also home to many Lansdale meetings)
3. Paul Tetley - Ward 3 Candidate 4. Funraiser for Tetley hosted by the Pearl Company 5. Tetley is a former member of the Stipeley Assn'

Eugene, I'm sorry you have such a one-sided negative view about us, and it's a shame that you have elected to nurture a conflict rather than get all of the facts. We as a group don't have a horse in this race; just a desire to be able to work with ANY Councillor for our ward. Again, my message to ALL candidates would be to try and communicate with EVERYONE. We all have a voice, we can all vote, and we are all a part of this city.

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