Comment 49435

By allantaylor97 (registered) | Posted October 13, 2010 at 23:23:09

As I said Jason I'm not missing out on anything that matters. The fact is there is plenty of room for both cars and public transit to co-exist and until both sides who are entrenched in the extremism of exclusion open themselves to see both sides we'll have a problem. Car lovers (and they are never going away) have to learn to realize that a vibrant downtown requires change that will include increased bus and possibly streetcar traffic. Transit lovers will have to realize they will never eliminate the automobile and that as gas costs go up alternate cleaner power sources will take oil's place and personal vehicles are here to stay Downtown survival depends on accommodating autos while providing a public transit option that people will use as well. Its not one vs the other. Its about finding a way for both to thrive and bring as many people to the core as possible. Building a perimeter road to get thru traffic off Main would be a huge improvement for everyone involved. I can tell you on a personal note that when I can no longer drive I'll take the bus to the grocery store and cab it home. That's why I moved here. Because the transportation choices here make it possible for me to live here long after I can no longer drive. Rest assured tho buses will never be the only mode of transportation I use and downtown as it is shaping up holds no attraction to me to make the extra effort worth the bother even if I'm on the bus. Eastgate beats downtown hands down for bus convenience and the LRT won't change that but in fact make it even more in favour of Eastgate

Comment edited by turbo on 2010-10-13 22:34:53

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