Comment 49850

By MHooper (registered) | Posted October 19, 2010 at 21:01:11

Eugene; I'm at a total loss as to why you keep coming after me specifically, and also the Stipeley association. I don't doubt that I know a great deal of people on this thread, including "len123 and Mugrat". Shall I be held to everyones posts? Maybe yours too? I believe you can easily verify my repetitive message from my posts, and the reason for which is simply because it makes no sense to me that a group of generous volunteers are not being fairly treated here, full stop. I have no other interest in this thread.
The only comments I feel compelled to add to this childish thread are these: With regards to the all candidates meeting, it is my understanding that this is a South Sherman Hub Initiative, being moderated by a professional, and overseen by David Derbyshire. I don't know David as a personal relationship, but from what I have experienced with him professionally, I would expect nothing less than the very definition of fairness, integrity and equal opportunity.
Eugene, I, like others, have simply been sharing our charitable efforts so that we can benefit the neighborhood we live in. There never has been any other reason for my involvement here. As an Association, this allows us a greater exposure so that we can reach more neighbors, and benefit more people. I would like to formally invite you to meet with myself, or the entire board, whichever you feel comfortable with. I would further invite you to see for yourself, without reservation, what we are all about.

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