Comment 50627

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted October 27, 2010 at 12:23:21

I did not see that debate, Andrea. Morelli just seems so uninvolved at the council meetings I have attended, and I don't feel him reaching out to us. Not to say that he doesn't answer emails about concerns I have in our neighborhood, but Ivor Wynne is a perfect example of how I don't feel he engaged us.

If the citizens want to save Ivor Wynne in that area, he should fight for that even if he isn't for it. That is his job. To serve us. If they don't want to save it, than he should be vehemently against me trying to save something he knows for a fact, those he represents don't want saved.

Tetley may have failed on television, but Morelli fails in council chambers when he speaks in my opinion. Fight for us. That's all I want. Reflect our voice, and not your own.

As I said, hopefully the fact that there is someone fighting for his job, will force him to step it up a notch if politics is something he would like to continue with going forward, until a time when he is ready to hang 'em up.

He is once again our representitive and if the populous is still truly happy with him, I'll give him another chance but we should challenge him. Perhaps not simply complain like I have done here, share these thoughts with him instead of over a public forum. It's easy to rant when you don't think someone is looking, but these days, eyes are everwhere.

Thanks for bringing that up, Andrea.

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