Comment 50664

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted October 27, 2010 at 19:57:03

I lived in Ward 3 for 10 years and had my problems with Bernie. Also, I really hoped he would resign or lose the ward, change is needed there. However, I had many dealings with Bernie and he always got back to me quickly and with answers. If he didn't have the answer I would get a call from a city staffer who would always follow-up on any issues. Basically, Bernie got shit done for the homeowners in the area. That's tough to compete with. I can criticize Bernie on many things but not on the attention he gives to the voting public in his ward.

Bernie also has his charms with regards to one on one conversations, he can come across as very warm and caring to some of the folks in the neighborhood. I can't comment on his council demeanor or presence but I have seen him in local meetings and he knows what he is doing. I have to say that Tetley's campaign felt very cerebral, analytical and distant. That just does not play well in Ward 3.

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