Comment 511

By fastcars (registered) | Posted May 26, 2006 at 17:12:51

The suggestion that LIUNA is somehow responsible for the ignoble condition of the Lister Block ignores the reality that it was actually Metrus Developments that bought the building, forced out the tenants and allowed it to fall into disrepair. Since LIUNA came to own the building it has at least been kept in a more secure state. Those who chose only to criticize LIUNA ignore the fact that there must be a business case for development--and in this instance that business case depends on the tenancy of the City. LIUNA has done incredible work with the CN station and is a key stakeholder in the rehabilitation of the Royal Connaught--two projects that are anchors to the city's downtown revitalization efforts. The Lister as it stands is cooked--in much the same manner the original Lister was after the 1923 fire. LIUNA has been pretty clear that it has no Plan B--so barring the city's participation we will get the status quo--further dereliction of a large portion of downtown--likely followed by a fire or some other indignity. The alternative, though controversial--means new life, and new warm bodies and cold dollars for businesses in the area.

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