Comment 52095

By ...fu (anonymous) | Posted November 23, 2010 at 22:37:14

I have attended Gordon Price and my parents are correctional officers who work at a jail. so unless yu work at a jail yu dont know what they are like, but i do.. this is nothing like a jail.. so i would get off yur fat ass and start doin some reasearch because what yur saying is not truee.. I learned alot from this school and even though I left in my eighth year I am still missing that school there were teachers i hated and teachers I love they were also the only ones in the board of hamilton who played baseball which I love to play.. So get out of yur faat ass chairs and start dissing other school and leaves this alone or I will get the board to shut this down because I am pretty sure this is allegal thank you very much !! not!! yu have noo right to be dissing any school if I knew who wrote this and knew what school they went to i could diss that school too because I am a BITCH and i know it ..

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