Comment 52375

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted November 29, 2010 at 20:49:58


Can you please tell me who the paid corporate shill who you're referring to is? Thanks

Also, surely you are aware of the huge flaw in the study you're citing. Isn't it you that wanted to make a jingle about "Correlation does not imply causation"? Either you're playing dumb about the study or you don't understand the meaning of the jingle you want to write. Based on reading your stuff, you seem to understand research better than to not see the huge flaw in the study. That study is so flawed and seemingly biased (unless they're incompetent) that I'm surprised you would even site it.. let alone base your views upon it.

The study I cited makes references to streets that were changed from one way to two way and vice versa. As John points out, this isn't perfect because it's not a controlled, randomized, blind(that wouldn't end well heh) study, but I think that it holds more water than the poorly conducted study you cite. John, I think you're right about the need to back off on the whole "which is safer" discussion until better studies have been done. My point in presenting the other side of the story is to do just that. There IS another side to the story and it's usually missing here on RTH.

Pxtl, do you have any facts at all to base your "obvious" observations? Speed kills, yes. As I've mentioned before, the speed along Main consistently reaches higher speeds in the two way section than it does on the one way section. That is, admittedly, anecdotal based on driving that section of road daily and consciously paying attention to speeds and making mental notes along the way. Regardless, if it's speed that you're concerned about, then you should be addressing the speed issue, not the one way/two way issue.

As to providing answers to the questions, that might take a while. If I can find the answers without it taking too long (doubtful.. yeah yeah I see your point), I'll post a response.

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