Comment 52380

By Ted Mitchell (registered) | Posted November 29, 2010 at 21:40:52

Ryan, good stuff, you beat me to this article. But the real kicker is the danger of the options (Pedestrians Please cross at Locke or Queen). Walking along Queen is nasty, with a limit of 50km/h, average 60 plus, and 70 plus common, and the sidewalk is immediately on the road edge (imho, this feature should mandate 40km/h limits).

In eight years I've seen two accidents at Locke and Queen, not to mention being rear ended on Aberdeen while stopped at the red light at Locke is the only accident I've ever been involved in. But I've NEVER seen the police stop a speeder on this stretch.

The crossing at Queen is even worse for pedestrians, with a channelized right, advanced left from northbound Queen (nobody stays in their lane while making this turn), and similarly fast right turns Aberdeen to southbound Queen. It is the postcard for what not to do for pedestrian safety.

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