Comment 55809

By Zephyr (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 21:00:32

@Avenger -- its not the Cats who will decide where this stadium is to be built. It is the PanAm organizing committee. The CEO of which has gone on record saying a scalable community stadium is Hamilton's for the taking -- if we can get our act together enough to present a well-thought out, costed plan with a construction timetable. His latest statement on the IWS proposal, on the other hand, indicates to anyone with an ounce of discernment that should Hamilton submit the IWS proposal the other cities who are proposing a community stadium with a real amateur sports legacy will definitely be in the running. We as a city need to make this about amateur sports, and NOT the Ti-Cats... and fast. Once we secure the funding for a community WH stadium the Ti-Cats can perhaps come to the table later with some real dollars and negotiations can begin in good faith. This process should NEVER have been about the Ti-Cats. An new stadium for them only ever was a nice by-product of the PanAm games, but not the primary intent.

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