Comment 56056

By JBJ (registered) | Posted January 12, 2011 at 16:04:11

The provincial government got involved in the IWS reno for one very simple reason: politics. Hamilton has two MPPs (Sophia Aggelonitis and Ted McMeekin) that could well be in trouble getting re-elected come October. The fear was that if the Ti-Cats left town and there was no stadium, people would blame those in power. There is not another municipal election for 4 years but the provincial election is less than 10 months away.

The karma around the deal made by the two Bobs reeks. As a taxpayer in the City of Hamilton, I expect that the Ti-Cats make a substantial contribution to either renovating IWS or remediating Barton-Tiffany so that economic development can occur.

Here's hoping that Council rejects this "arrangement" and opts for the WH.

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