Comment 57202

By wmacphail (anonymous) | Posted January 20, 2011 at 10:34:33

Just heard back from Ken Roberts, the chief librarian at the Hamilton
Public Library. Ken argues that librarians have the unilateral ability
to apply the intent of the photo policy on a case-by-case basis. The
intent of the policy is to protect what Ken calls a "small but
important" subset of the library's customers who do not wish to be
photographed or may feel obligated to be photographed if asked by an
authority figure.

In response, I have suggested that it then makes sense that
photographers wishing to photograph the building or non-identifiable
people not bother with the form but begin shooting (that is, acting
like parents with children). Then a librarian or security guard who is
schooled in the policy and who has authority to apply the intent can
make a call and, in fairness, should make it the same way they do now
with parents. If photographers wish to shoot identifiable people then
they should get a form the Library Board said would be more readily

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