Comment 60453

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted March 01, 2011 at 11:56:06

Realistically, this all came out of the Conservatives looking to balance the budget by killing the Provincial government's obligations to impoverished Ontarians.

Simple - I love the city of Hamilton, but I'm not in denial about its problems. We have a massive amount of poverty and crime in the lower city, and much of this stuff should be a Provincial or Federal responsibility, but they have budgets they want to balance so they put it on us.... but so as not to completely guarantee our failure, they took as many affluent rural communities they could find and duct-taped them onto the city of Hamilton as a flotation device. Then walked away and said "your problems are yours now."

It was dishonest and unfair to everyone involved, but unless the province is willing to help out more with the drug-addled and impoverished mess that exists in parts of the lower city, we're stuck together.

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