Comment 60938

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted March 13, 2011 at 23:06:24

I've never understood how the Spec. manages to come down on the wrong side of 'fair minded' in such a blatant way on a number of issues.

O.K., so they don't want to be The Star. They want to be distinctly 'Hamilton'. Perhaps Not so P.C.-? But this is not they way to do it!

The Land Claim is in the hands of the Federal Government. Maybe it has disappeared up a sleeve? Maybe it dropped out of their hands & rolled under a table?

Maybe as we speak, a team of geologists are looking for the banks of the Grande River, as it was when this treaty was signed...(Shooor they are.... :{

The longer the Gov. delays, the longer the Gov. delays. It's worked for over a hundred years, & much longer in many places in Canada. Why would they mess with a static but winning strategy now?

(Somebody said "If the claim had any validity, why would the Gov. drag their feet?" I'd say if the Land Claim has validity, that would be an indication of Why they are dragging their feet. If they drag it out long enough, maybe it will just...go away..?)
If there was no validity, it would have been settled -Yesterday!

The Spec. should just STOP stirrin' it up in that kind of lurid language. It just makes them look Goober-ish.

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