Comment 61039

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted March 17, 2011 at 09:49:21

As a fairly recent convert from the "get me through this hell hole to the safety of Westdale as fas as possible" school of thought, let me shout an enthusiastic Amen! to Ryan's article.

Around the time of the two-way conversions of James and John, I started spending less time speeding on our urban expressways and more time getting around town using more lively, normal roads such as Barton and Charlton. It doesn't take much longer, really. And it somehow feels less rushed - probably because when I have to slow down or stop, it's not such a shock.

This is a city; it's where we live. The downtown is part of where we live, even for those of us who live on the fringes. On the one hand, we shouldn't be speeding where we live. And on the other, it's nicer when we don't - for everyone.

Comment edited by moylek on 2011-03-17 09:52:28

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