Comment 6223

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted April 04, 2007 at 11:54:28

Along the same lines, the detour around the Dundurn construction from Aberdeen-ish to the Fortinos plaza is a pedestrian nightmare. Your options are to go one (very large) block east to Locke, or to take a detour by the Spec building (where the sidewalks start, end and switch sides at will), ending up on Main at a spot which is no less than a 5 lane superhighway (where, incidentally, the merging mayhem has worsened as people try to cut across main in order to reach the spec detour instead of simply trying to turn right at Dundurn which was bad enough on its own). Alternatively, you can play chicken with a train and follow the tracks behind the fortinos plaza. What a mess. They should have built permanent pedestrian-specific bridges over the tracks BEFORE shutting the road down to cars. Dundurn needed to have the people separated by the cars at those bridges anyway...

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