Comment 62608

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted April 23, 2011 at 00:31:24

Excuse me. We would not have had the longest running minority government in Canadian history if Mr Harper did not "get along" or "play nice" with the other parties. There was legislation passed that was passed with the support of one or all of the other parties at one point.

The problem for the LPC was that they brought their wonder boy Count Ignatieff home to be Prime Minister not leader of the opposition. Problem was they pranced him around Rosedale and Forrest Hill as the annointed one and forgot to tell the rest of the country. His flip flops and double speak and continued support by votes in the House of the Conservatives while railing against them in the media painted him into a corner. He had to bring down the government and force an election. He couldn't do it on a budget that was middle of the road and in the LPC wheel house so along with the other parties had to cook up the "contempt of parliament" angle and try to fight an election on wait for it...... ethics. Which is rich coming from the LPC. It isn't working and it is evident now that Mr Ignatieff will be heading back to Harvard sooner rather than later.

Mr Layton has run a very good campaign, it will be interesting to see if his recent surge in the polls can translate into seats. If it does, he has a good chance of becoming Leader of the Opposition and effectively tossing the LPC onto the scrap heap of history.

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