Comment 6317

By Concerned (anonymous) | Posted April 11, 2007 at 20:40:36

Jason, thanks for the update again. I like finding out what is happening and where the City is spending a ton of money. I'm curious though, in the past you've reported these great projects like King William and Jarvis, nothing has happened, 80 King William has to be one of the slowest of all time developments in the world, my suspician is they're going bust as work is on again off again for 4 years now. The new building beside Denningers is affordable housing and at least 75% funded by taxpayers, locally, provincially and federally. I saw on the news last week that the Connaught will be listed for sale for 30 days. Nothing happens at the old Federal Building and HMP although they have had loan committments for years. For that matter same with the Century Theatre. I read the report on this new parking structure, it will lose $175,000 a year to be made up by taxpayers.

Maybe RTH should report on things when actually get built and occupied. I get my hopes up when I read this update only to be let down. BTW, heard that the Caroline and Napier development has only sold 10 units out of 51 in a year.

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