Comment 63513

By Like Europe (anonymous) | Posted May 14, 2011 at 13:52:58


Bear in mind that there is NO NEW TRUCK TRAFFIC generated by the proposed sludge facility. All those sludge trucks are ALREADY plying the roads dropping sludge in storage site, landfills and farm communities in a 700 kilometer radius of where it is generated in Southern Ontario.

Southern Ontario sludge is so hard to manage in Southern Ontario that it has been trucked to Ottawa, New York State, Sherbrooke Quebec, Michigan, and northern Ontario. Hamilton sludge is lagooned in Niagara Region....

So Gentle Readers...Why are you not squeemish about Hamilton doing the sludge troll through OTHER people's communities? Where is your sense of shame and responsibility when it comes to your current waste practices -
stockpiling and spreading sludge and landfilling sludge in OTHER people's communities?

A Hamilton sludge facility would immensely improve the environmental picture because Southern Ontario sludge wounldn't go hundreds of miles away. Those Ontario sludge trucks heading to NY state to Niagara, to Haldimand, Lincoln, to Oxford, they are all going on the QEW through the Hamilton airshed ANYWAY.

The proposed facililty would stop sludge from entering the food chain. And the sludge toxins (including Hamilton's sludge toxins) wouldn't leach into drinking water, groundwater, and infiltrate our meat and milk. It would mean that we could 'eat local' with some safety.

That would be a benefit to everyone.
It would be like Europe...

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