Comment 63970

By bill n (anonymous) | Posted May 25, 2011 at 12:17:26 in reply to Comment 63966

Formally designating a property under the Ontario Heritage Act is a fairly involved process, requiring many hours of research by volunteers and City staff, reports, ecommendations to Council, etc. So that undesignated heritage properties don't get overlooked or fall through the cracks, the Act allows the municipality to maintain a less rigourously researched and less formal inventory or register of properties of interest. It functions as a list of potential candidates for more research/designation, and often serves as a red flag to City planning staff when making planning/redevelopment decisions. Most of the listed properties probably won't ever make it to the designation stage, and there is no legal encumbrance on the owner.(In fact, I see from the map that my home is included, of which I was unaware.) Some probably get included because they are part of an historically important neighborhood or district, and might be dropped from the list once building by building research is done. Oh, and citizens can propose that a building be designated. Linc's birthplace would be a very worthy historic marker!

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