Comment 65373

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted June 30, 2011 at 08:33:12

In symbolically related news:

Hamilton’s business leaders say a lack of political support is hobbling efforts to revive the city’s economy.

In a meeting with The Spectator’s editorial board Wednesday, members of the business lobby complained they’re not getting the support they need from city council on crucial issues such as the light rail transit proposal, all-day GO service and efforts to attract new employers.

“We just don’t appear to have any champions,” said Doug Duke, executive officer of the Hamilton-Halton Home Builders’ Association. “We have to act like a city that deserves these things and right now we don’t have the political will to go and get them.”

Hamilton Business Leaders brings together the heads of the Chamber of Commerce, home builders, realtors’ association and airport to push a jobs and prosperity agenda for the city. They argue city councillors should use that lens in looking at every decision they make.

“There appears to be a real disconnect between the business leadership and council right now,” said Ross Godsoe, CEO of the Realtors Association of Hamilton-Burlington. “We just don’t see these issues being championed by city leadership.

“It’s a tough job for us to even get a meeting with the mayor now,” he added.

The last time the business group met with Mayor Bob Bratina was in November, just after the municipal election. They’re not scheduled to get together again until July 21.

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