Comment 65973

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted July 11, 2011 at 16:31:34

It's difficult to discuss this issue when the Mayor keeps making factual errors about LRT. To take just two basic examples:

  1. There is huge potential for re-development along the LRT line. The Rapid Transit Team and the consultants the City has hired have done a detailed inventory of all the parcels of developable land in an 800m strip around the B-line. There are plenty of large under-utilized properties along most of the 13km length that are ripe for re-developement. In fact, the Rapid Transit Team has been organizing a series of design charettes to explore how these parcels could be densified (I attended the King/Dundurn charette). These studies, and the associated maps, have been distributed to councillors.

  2. The population density in wards 1-4, which is what counts as far as LRT is concerned is about 7000/square mile.

This is actually much higher than the figure Bob quoted for Portland of 4000 residents per square mile. And this is before the LRT is even built!

In fact, the Durand neighbourhood has a density of close to 100 residents per Ha, or almost 26000/square mile. The overall density figure of 1170/square mile includes the rural parts of Hamilton, and is clearly irrelevant when discussing the feasibility of the B-line!

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