Comment 66390

By Art Brut (anonymous) | Posted July 18, 2011 at 16:32:25

Also from July 15:

City Master Plan Wins Award

The City of Mississauga has won an award for its work on the Hurontario/Main Street Corridor Master Plan.
The award was given to planners from Mississauga and the City of Brampton by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) at the organization's annual conference in St. John's, Newfoundland on Monday. The award was in the category of Transportation and Infrastructure.

"It's a great honour for us to be recognized by our national planning colleagues for this fantastic city-building initiative," said Ed Sajecki, the City's commissioner of planning and building. "This master plan is a key element for achieving many of the aims of Mississauga's Strategic Plan and new Official Plan and will help us to serve the people of Mississauga and Brampton by connecting our communities to each other and to transit systems that serve communities across the region."

The key feature of the plan is the construction of light-rail transit (LRT) that will stretch from the waterfront in Port Credit to the City Centre and downtown Brampton. The 20-kilometre route will have up to 32 stations.

It's touted as a way to reduce commute times and improve connections to GO Transit and the Bus Rapid Transit line, which is currently under construction.

In addition to the LRT, the plan includes the potential for residential and commercial development as well as job creation.

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