Comment 67230

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted August 02, 2011 at 13:49:23 in reply to Comment 67206

Town halls, town halls, and more town halls. I'm in.

As far as revitalizing neighbourhoods goes, it's effectively illegal for most in our city. By-laws and zoning codes prohibit a huge range of activities and tightly regulate most others, at huge expense. If we want to see an interesting, diverse and widespread range of new ventures, we're going to have to loosen those rules. At the same time, we can't deny that there are many kinds of businesses which we don't want in our neighbourhoods, often for good reasons.

Our by-laws don't protect communities. I could wander from my chair to the closest known illegal stockpile of toxic waste before you finished reading this comment. What we need is an actual means for voicing concern, as communities, about the matters that affect us, which isn't mediated by city bureaucrats.

Did I mention town-halls?

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