Comment 67964

By geoff's two cents (registered) | Posted August 12, 2011 at 21:47:03 in reply to Comment 67962

My favourite part of all was "Light rail kills people at 2 1/2 times the rate of cars."

No source, and rather obviously (and hilariously!) false.

A close second would have to be that Europeans would never choose to take transit if they were wealthier. By that standard, Vancouver must be a very poor city indeed. Yikes!

Bratina's comment about Charlotte's "quaint streetcar for tourists" (or something to that effect) suggests his reading material was of similar ilk.

That said, I would hope that Hamilton city planners have the common sense to take things like pedestrian crossings, pedestrian safety, community impact and general aesthetics into consideration when planning LRT. It is for this reason, for instance, that I sympathize (and wholeheartedly agree) with IV business owners who prefer that the line run along Main instead of King.

All the more reason to complete the land-use study, per the article.

Comment edited by geoff's two cents on 2011-08-12 21:47:32

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