Comment 68619

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted August 29, 2011 at 21:18:23 in reply to Comment 68581

I worry about imposing even more of a financial burden on "developers". I don't like the industry more than anybody on here, but knee-jerk won't necessarily solve the problem.

On one hand, it's already nearly impossible for most people to develop much beyond a shed or deck, thanks to the enormous financial burdens placed by our bylaws and regulations. This leaves 'big developers' with little or no competition, and leaves our entire surplus property market to be divided up between them. On the other, you have a small group of developers who can afford to pay these prices and likely won't bat an eyelash at having to pay more. Look at how much Vranich has paid over the last decade for the former Federal Building/HMP lot without flinching...

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