Comment 69072

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted September 05, 2011 at 20:16:12 in reply to Comment 69071

Why is there so much uncertainty and confusion?

I've often wondered whether cities have informal arrangements wherein they share info and insights. You know, as in 'twinned' cities. For a city the size of Hamilton, there must be dozens of similar places all the world over. When you're dealing with something as universal a concept as LRT, surely there's a goldmine of empirical data to be shared.

And regarding the 'uncertainty and confusion', it does seem a little bizarre that the basics weren't handled by someone at City Hall, huh? (Especially if you witnessed the GIC meeting last Monday, where it sure seemed to me that everyone was talking about a creature that was so exotic, so strange, one that nobody really seemed to grasp.)

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