Comment 72789

By no one special (anonymous) | Posted January 06, 2012 at 12:52:51

Unfortunately nothing will be done. What can be kept out of sight is hidden down truck roads (special roads for trucks only), or behind barricades, hedges, fences and walls. With what cannot be hidden, it's more convenient for those around it to close their eyes or look away. It's more convenient for those visiting to not stray from the beaten path, and not ask questions. Those with rights (locals) are bribed with convenient living and easy access to jobs and handouts so as not to experience lack. Those with no rights, are met with a "take it or leave it" attitude- those with the economic status high enough to actually have the choice to leave, of course. The media is controlled and largely has adapted to a self-censorship of criticism of authority, so the populace extant within the country will seldom hear of any news they are not 'allowed' to know. Thus, there is no course of action to address these inconvenient issues. This has been planned well, and executed well.

Those without have no power. Those within have no information. Those with knowledge are faced with greater inconvenience of doing something about it.

As long as human nature puts convenience over morality, there will be those trod upon. The level and extent of the underclass being ground underfoot will be different in different countries, depending upon the resources made available to the powerless- but exist it will nonetheless. The economic gap between classes in this particular country is merely greater than many others, plus discrimination and the like need can be overt, not be hidden within bureaucracy, as this is not a democracy. Though this may outrage those without, I assure you, those within have learned to rationalize and accept the convenience over an alternative.

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