Comment 73609

By Simon (registered) - website | Posted February 01, 2012 at 14:01:50 in reply to Comment 73605

So Westdale then? The only option in the entire city that has a cluster of elementary, middle and high schools within walking distance?

Barton/Lawfield - nope - Barton is set to close. I assume there are closures set for wards 2, 3 and 4 too then?

Hell - I'd even accept a mix of any publicly funded schools - public, RC, Jewish, Muslim whatever (ie Public elementary, RC middle, Public high school).

Or a walkable elementary & middle school and a single bus trip to a high school.

The point is - the HWDSB has systematically gutted their existing inventory of urban schools and consolidated the remaining students into schools that are increasingly further and further apart. If a local area loses its local school - especially an elementary school - it loses families who would otherwise move there. The school board therefore controls a large aspect of urban planning - but without any responsibility to the community as a whole.

The relocation of their headquarters to a suburban parking lot shares the exact same disregard for our community as a whole.

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