Comment 73614

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted February 01, 2012 at 14:34:37 in reply to Comment 73609

So Westdale then? The only option in the entire city that has a cluster of elementary, middle and high schools within walking distance?

Sounds right (accurate; not proper) to me. It's one of the reasons that Westdale is wonderful; it used to be one of the reasons that Dundas is wonderful. Would that it wasn't something which set Westdale apart (because other neighbourhoods had the same thing, that is).

The relocation of their headquarters to a suburban parking lot shares the exact same disregard for our community as a whole.

Indeed. I think that part of the problem is the funding. For example, there is special provincial money available for building new schools; but I believe that new schools can't be built if there are under-capacity schools.

And I'm pretty sure that bussing is outside the regular board budget: the province just pays for each bussed student. So there's no reason for the board to think about distance, either.

I'm pretty sure that the loss of neighbourhood schools is contributing to the increasing number of small private schools (alternative or religious): after all, once your kid has to be bussed or driven, sending him or her to a special school is less of a change.

Comment edited by moylek on 2012-02-01 14:45:15

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