Comment 76610

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted May 08, 2012 at 10:20:11

Jason, I'm a little worried about you. Hanging out in parking lots talking to strangers. Striking up a conversation with Darko, of all people : )

As for Vrancor's projects, I give the company full marks for doing something, especially because it includes residential. Taxes will be paid to the city from the developments and, in the case of the condos, the property owners. More people downtown. More revenue for the city and hopefully for nearby retailers.

Having said that, I'm getting a little concerned that some politicians would have us believe that Darko is the second coming.

He's a developer and his buildings have all the class, style, and artfulness of a, well, developer who is focused solely on maximizing his ROI. That's OK. It''s his money. He's allowed to do that. But let's not fall all over ourselves thinking these styro-stone and stucco boxes are just what Hamilton needs to revitalize itself. The stuff is suburban junk, built to last maybe 50 years. That too is his choice. Thank goodness the Federal building will be the base for one of the buildings. It was never high art, but at least it has some architectural features. That is unless it too gets stuccoed.

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