Comment 76677

By CouldaWouldaShoulda (anonymous) | Posted May 09, 2012 at 05:43:06 in reply to Comment 76646

Kiely, your comment is great. I appreciate where you're coming from. But a few counter-points...

First off, the 'ignorant' aren't in this discussion. So calling them 'ignorant' is a moot point, as well as being academic. But maybe the more appropriate word isn't 'ignorant', but 'detached'. So because they're detached, because they're wholly disinterested in this discussion, they're not reading these comments. They're not even coming to a site such as this. So worrying about what we're calling them just isn't a factor in potential success. Not until they're actually part of the discussion. At which point your strategy should change markedly.

Secondly, don't you think it's a bit ironic you can make the declaration about ignorance while stating '...a 60 year span that made our entire culture/society one of ignorance'? We really need some context here, otherwise your statement is incredibly damning, and I don't believe that's fair.

As well, don't forget there's a difference between 'ignorance'/detachment and 'difference of opinion'. If someone is on here saying the progressives are ignorant...then by definition, they're not in the 'ignorant' category, because they're active, they're commenting here. This difference is as valid a one as that between someone who is 'naïve' and someone who just sees things in an entirely different way.

As for the 'solution', don't count on self-realization. Those people will have their epiphanies, but they're really not the challenge. The challenge is getting the detached involved, 'seducing' them to invest more in their streets, their neighbourhoods, their communities so that they migrate from 'ignorance'/detachment to a default that's more informed. (But I need to say that this doesn't mean they're automatically going to be 'progressive'. They still might disagree with the progressive agenda. But I'll bet they'll be better neighbours, more engaged residents.)

I don't think it's necessary to 'make them think it was their own idea'. I think you can get them on-board without having to go through all the rigamarole of such efforts. (To be frank, facetiousness isn't the issue here. Patronization is.) People want to have better communities and a better city. They just don't want to feel they're wasting their time. They want to belong, they want to contribute (each according to their abilities and motivation, of course), but just like students, they need to be provided the opportunities to succeed.

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