Comment 77038

By adrian (registered) | Posted May 17, 2012 at 06:33:39 in reply to Comment 77034

I understand your point, although I don't think we're talking about the "needs of bohemians" here. For example, the creative cluster includes companies classified as "design and digital media", which encompasses a lot of people and a lot of companies that are rather different than the bohemian stereotype. And I would be pleased if there were indeed lavish tax incentives for this kind of business, but there are not.

That aside, artists and artistic companies have been an enormous part of the urban renewal we've seen on streets like James North, and their contribution can't be minimized, both in terms of economic activity, shifts in public perception, and direct action like purchasing and renewing buildings in the core. It's "Art Crawl", after all, not "Design and Digital Media Crawl".

Walkability is beneficial to all and should be appreciable by all.

I agree with you, of course, but council doesn't really listen to this argument. They do, however, listen to economic arguments - at least, one can hope.

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