Comment 77065

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted May 17, 2012 at 10:07:59

Bravo, Aaron. Well said.

I started shopping at Bill Newman's when I got out of school in the early 90s and have been an on-and-off customer ever since.

Much of the reason I'm "off" more than "on" is because Newman's is hard to get to from the West end, just as Aaron says. I never remember which street to turn down off Main West and sometimes end up looping the block - it's a pain. And that's in my truck. On my bike, that sort of nonsense feels at least twice as off putting.

It's astonishing, but getting to an established shop with a corner location on the city's main commercial street is an effort. Not a huge effort, but just enough that I don't go most of the times I think about it. And if I just happen to be passing Newman's when I'm heading East? Well, I've usually whizzed past before I can think about stopping.

I have to know where I'm going and why before I'll shop on either King or Main near downtown - I don't just drop in my favourite shops on those streets (Newman's, Tundra Leather, Denninger's) for no good reason the way I do on James St. North or Locke. Or Westdale. Or Dundas.

This needs to be reprinted for a wider audience - the Spec,, Urbanicity (if that has an audience yet, that is).

Comment edited by moylek on 2012-05-17 11:35:00

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