Comment 77198

By cyclist (anonymous) | Posted May 22, 2012 at 20:47:07

Seems the compliance rate is higher in West Hamilton than other parts of the city. I'm actually quite serious about not having seen a cyclist yet this spring that is obeying the law. The vast majority are on the sidewalks. Next biggest no no is passing on the right and blowing through red lights. I agree that drivers are confused when they see me riding 3 feet from the curb, stopping in line with traffic at lights and actually signalling turns. I also agree drivers have no idea what to expect from cyclists because of the widespread issue of several glaring law and safety infractions. It is true as well that drivers expect me to pass them at every light because thats what the majority of cyclists do and that as a result drivers do stupid dangerous things out of extreme frustration with the lot of us. That does not excuse the stupid dangerous drivers but neither does it absolve the majority of cyclists from making my life more dangerous while I try to share the road with cars

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