Comment 77510

By Zephyr (registered) | Posted May 29, 2012 at 14:56:30

@Serendipity - you do not speak for all the residents of the North End. I doubt you even speak for a majority of them. I am a North End resident who supported the West Harbour location for the stadium, and I personally know many of my neighbours who share my sentiment. I personally do not believe sports stadiums are a huge economic catalyst (witness the current Ti-Cat stadium locale). There are only 10 home games a season, after all. However, if huge sums of public money were to be spent on building a stadium, then the money should have been spent where it would open up a new, highly-desirable location to new investment.

So where is the money for remediating the WH to come from now? And how is the vaunted Setting Sail plan to be implemented? I think we just blew the city's entire Future Fund on replacing Ivor Wynne.

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