Comment 77607

By slodrive (registered) | Posted May 30, 2012 at 14:37:46

Here's my message to:,, cc: McMeekin_Ted-MPP , "Ferguson, Lloyd"

Apologies for the long-windedness...and a shade on the clunky side, but I was pretty pissed as i wrote.


The path you have all chosen for the future of the Hamilton Wentworth District School board is disturbing to say the least. Perhaps first and foremost, was the decision to prematurely dissolve a group investigating all options of retaining the school board head-quarters in downtown Hamilton. As a publicly funded entity, the lack of democratic due-diligence in this situation will leave a lasting effect on the populaces faith in the ability to have their voices heard. If anyone needs an example of why voter turnout is low and political apathy is so rampant, look no further.

As an organization tasked with training future generations, it would be ideal to hold the HWDSB as leaders in progressive thinking - committed to building a better tomorrow. Unfortunately, opting to set the impressive, and internationally recognized, urban revitalization efforts of everyday-citizens back decades flies in the face of anything resembling forward thinking. Rather than investigating the City of Hamilton's offer to revitalize an urban brownfield -- the historic Knitting Mills - the Board, to everyone's amazement, called this "too little, too late".

Now, over $31 million tax payer dollars will go towards the further erosion of downtown Hamilton and fund the paving over 7 acres of green space. $31 million dollars toward delivering a kick to the groin to the many Hamiltonians who have fueled the economic recovery of the city's core. Adding insult to injury to the decision to amalgamate secondary schools in the lower city areas -- where code-red neighbourhoods need more support, not less. Where recovering, revitalized neighbourhoods now, instantly, cannot be considered walkable.

At the very least, a comprehensive public statement should be made by the HWDSB explaining this course of action. Included should be a rationalization for using public funds to the detriment of an urban centre and contributing to pandemic urban sprawl.

Thank you,

(Slodrive) Ancaster, ON

Comment edited by slodrive on 2012-05-30 14:49:18

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