Comment 77887

By Heartwood (anonymous) | Posted June 02, 2012 at 17:19:46 in reply to Comment 77884

What I was getting at was the idea of proportionality. There's room for all kinds of trees in a city, but how you choose to deploy them has a way of limiting your viable stock. IMHO, columnars work best in tight sidewalk and island settings such as cycling lane dividers. If you're inclined to grow toward a canopied boulevard, annex a lane and dedicate the space.

Plane trees are also admirable performers, and I don't doubt that the trees along Main West are *capable* of growing to a far larger size than they are presently. What I was getting at is the idea that you want to leave room for them to safely do so, which is what they seem to have done. If you're working with a two-foot-wide traffic barrier or a narrow sidewalk, it's possible that you're only ever going to be dealing in trees a couple of inches thick at best. And this is a city that has no trouble deploying squads of student gardeners to plant garish annuals every spring/summer, so it may be that there's a willingness to replant regularly. Common sense can sometimes take a back seat in these parts.

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