Comment 78409

By recall this (anonymous) | Posted June 12, 2012 at 16:11:04

It might help put the Sweet man's election and role into context if you remember how the Spectator and Dreschel bent over and over to sweeten Sweet during his first federal election campaign. Spec/Dresch may as well have been honorary campaign somethings: And REMEMBER that in the 2011 federal election, "Liberal" L Di Ianni publicly supported Sweet to the very public chagrin of local Liberal organizers--all of this actually reported in the Spectator. What does that kind of Di Ianni (one-time mayor's throne-sitter) support tell you about the kind of member Sweet is?
The current integrity thing is a pebble compared to the ton of stifling dust dumped on the city when D Di was mayor. Think of some of the reasons why RTH and CATCH got started.

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