Comment 78794

By CouldaWouldaShoulda (anonymous) | Posted June 22, 2012 at 06:37:22 in reply to Comment 78792

And to think that we really haven't even begun to address our infrastructure problem, with roads being the most evident aspect of just how far behind we are.

I'll confess, I don't know what Council's strategy is about the infrastructure timebomb; I can't recall reading anything in recent memory, any official statement or press release. And maybe this is part of the strategy.

As far as the 'cultural uphill battle' goes, don't you think that we shouldn't create yet another 'Us vs Them' paradigm, that it's *not* 'cars vs neighbourhoods', if only because currently, our roads make our neighbourhoods possible?

Our public servants need to be pushed to provide better leadership, even in situations such as the one highlighted in this article. The problem to me is that -hand in hand with apathy- residents aren't really aware of 'the big picture'...mostly because the people they put into office don't want to be seen as the messengers of doom...and so we carry on blithely ignorant of our realities, not in true possession of what we'd require to take part in the dialogue, were we even so inclined. And it seems to me that councillors prefer it this way.

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