Comment 80152

By TiCats fan (anonymous) | Posted August 29, 2012 at 16:39:20

Having read the article by Paul wilson,It Would seem that Mr spilachi has been painted into a cornner by the mayors pal Mr.Vranich.Now is the time to read the reality of downtown and the Connaught.Make it into mixed social and market rental apts.This is where the artists studios with art sales in the lobby would certainly create a buzz.That way the contribution the art scene makes would be abundantly clear, and the ODSP tenants could pay a little something to help support the arts.The highly acclaimed art crawl could be extended to downtown.This would increase wine sales as well as all those people purchasing tons of art.Our local couselor would have no problem giving downtown loans money as well as forgiving development charges.The Connaught building is so far unique in our downtown because it doesnt have any bed bugs and that would be a further development incentive. Lets get the whole mob on board and make the downtown start humming again.

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