Comment 81479

By JDAWG (anonymous) | Posted October 08, 2012 at 23:55:48 in reply to Comment 81339

New York doesn't break even and actually has a higher operating subsidy than Toronto, though one must be careful as not all agencies report the same way. The New York MTA issues it's own bonds and counts interest on those bonds as operating expenses. The TTC does not do this.

In any case, I am taking the route split into account. Cash fare is $3. Token's are $2.60. To get $100,000 revenue for 60,000 riders means they only contribute $1.67 to the line. And that $100,000 in revenue is enough to pay three operators to run every streetcar in the fleet 24/7 on just that one line.

They make a profit. The TTC even acknowledges this.

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