Comment 82527

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted November 01, 2012 at 16:29:56

Then what exactly ARE you proposing Kiely? Since you haven't laid that out, yes, what you are saying does sound like complete nonsense to me.

Since I am obliviously not communicating clearly I'll lay out my ideas point by point.

1) I'm proposing that the rail yards be moved to unused US Steel lands sometime in the future.

2) I'm proposing that by moving the rail yards we can move forward with the Setting Sail plan for the West Harbour.

3) I'm proposing that we leverage the rail yard initiative with our excellent harbour access to create a transportation hub. I'm proposing that this set-up will have way more economic benefits than the charade the AEGD is, but follows a similar business plan.

4) I'm proposing that a transportation hub ties in with current commercial uses and matches up with announced developments such as the industrial park being constructed on the old Studebaker lands.

5) I'm proposing that any land that may become available at USS also be purchased for a business park to support and feed off of the transportation hub.

6) I am clearly stating that the metal finishing end of USS Hamilton is thriving and actually growing, creating employment. I feel that this needs to be supported as it does not spew pollution as Blast Furnaces, By-Products operations, Coke Ovens and Basic Oxygen Furnaces usually do industry wide.

7) I am stating that the soil remediation required on USS lands for any use other than industrial is stunningly cost prohibitive. Any thoughts otherwise based on my knowledge are naive.

In closing, what mysterious 'waterfront plans' are you envisioning without wiping out the whole industrial strip? What would you have done with these lands that is timely and affordable? What can be done with these lands considering that the USS metal finishing operations are thriving and will continue in the far foreseeable future?

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